This is a sketch that I have been working on for the Lobsterboy T-shirts. It is intended to be a Sinatraesque portrait of Lobs, full of melancholy. I see Lobsterboy as a tragic figure, he can’t tell a joke, he’s from thee ocean, so he’s a “fish-out-of-water”, and he can’t take off the lobster suit… The image was created on my trial version of Illustrator CS. I think I will need to break down and buy it in 29 days. Although I haven’t figured out the live paint features entirely, it’s a great improvement over Illustrator 10.
Deb has been working hard to get the website up to speed. I still need to do the heavy lifting of labeling everything and creating an overall look for the site. I’m thinking that I should push the sausage-on-fork motif a bit more…
Saw Hot Feet on Sunday. Don’t bother. The show needs work, big time.
My brother announced this week that he was leaving his theater carpentry job for a “new construction” carpentry job in Fairfax. I understand some of his reasoning, but it still seems fishy to me.
Kate talked me out of going up to see the MICA MFA candidates talk today. She said that it would just drive me crazy, not knowing if I was going to be in the program or not. Perhaps she’s right, but I still think that it would be good to see what people are doing up there…
I have got an image in my head that needs to be addressed. It’s a spacesuit hung on a nail. No astronaut, just the spacesuit. I have been doing some preliminary research, and I think that I like the way the Mercury astronauts looked. The space suits were silver then and not intended for “space walks” so they have a very sexy appeal. That’s what NASA could use, is some sex appeal…Anyway, I am going to go down this path and see where it leads…
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