Thursday, February 19, 2009

MUMBO almost done!

Before we start with the ABJ news this week, lets check in with the ole Yuri's Night countdown clock:

The great big news about Yuri's Night's Lineup is that we will have Trixie Little and the Evil Hate Monkey AND Miss Saturn!!!!!! This is shaping up to be a truly star studded lineup!

Speaking of Trixie Little, I am in the home stretch for MUMBO! I did the final designs for the animals that will be framed by the scroll banners pictured last week...

Animal Banners Elevation, MUMBO
Color Pencil on Black Paper, 4"x8" each

And the final painted result for two of the four animals:

Zebra and Tiger Animal Banners, MUMBO
Acrylic on Black Velour, 4'x8' each

I also completed the central portal...

Central Portal, MUMBO
Acrylic on Black Velour, 8'x8'

I have intentionally not cut the portal out (i.e. the black area is intended to be cut away to create a portal) because Trixie has requested that it stay intact until they get up to Vermont. During the workshop process, she will decide if it needs to be cut away, or simply a slit cut in the middle, or some other answer entirely...that is the beauty of the workshop process!

So, this Saturday I will be taking all of MUMBO's scenery as well as my pipe & drape up to NYC to do a "hand-off" with Trixie. Its kinda silly, but its the first time I have delivered anything theatrical to New York. It really feels like I'm doing something on Broadway! (even though I know I am not, it still feels good to pretend!)

Next week, I should have pictures from the Clarendon Mardi Gras, Follies, and Walmartopia!

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