Thursday, August 29, 2013

Studio Cleanout is Nigh

There have not been very many groups building in the scene shop this summer, consequentially, I have seized the opportunity to start/finish a number of projects that have been on the "to-do" list. Many of these projects involve simple cleanup (we installed new pneumatics, added more hooks, organized the prop loft, etc) and it has been very satisfying to see a clean shop now that groups are starting to trickle back in. This past week I have extended the cleaning spree to the home studio. I cleaned out, and re-organized everything (so, not much art was actually made), I even went through the bookshelf and found a stack of books to sell back. I had about 10-15 big books to take to the used bookstore. They gave me $10 store credit, and refused to take half of them! Anyway, in the end, it means that I have a cleaner home studio, and that I am ready to get back to business.

(Oh, BTW, I got my annual strep throat infection this past week also...caught it at the first sign of a sore I dont even have illness as a valid excuse for not painting!)

Last Friday's ArtRomp went every well. (thanks for asking) BYT did a photo essay on the event HERE

Anyway, I started a piece this morning. It's for ArtWhino's new space's opening event. The theme is "transformation" which seemed to be more about finding odd substrates than anything truly, I found an old piece of scenery to paint on, and went to town. I realize that the photo is not great (camera-phone) but that is partially due to the fact that I have painted the small luan flat as if it were an old piece of some of the problems in the photograph are due to the glare of the silver paint. I am hoping to get it finished by Saturday's deadline...

NIGH (tentative title) 18"x48" Acrylic on Luan (in progress)

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