Tuesday, June 07, 2011

...An End to the Hiatus...

So, I know that a couple of you loyal BTT readers have been asking why I haven't posted any new stuff on the blog since March 10th...Well, I guess you could say I was in mourning. You see, on March 15th my wife Kate's Father, Hal Taylor, passed away from pancreatic cancer. It was sudden (he was fine at Christmas) and it came as a real shock to us all. The weeks following his death were filled with funeral stuff, but the more pressing issue was the impending Countdown to Yuri's Night at the Artisphere. So, I got busy, and started to let the blog slip away...after Yuri's Night other projects started to become more and more pressing (Spaying Sookie, the Yuri's Night thank you BBQ, Touring the Dupont Underground, Production meetings and design of Psycho Beach Party, C2YN Artists talkback, Deinstallation of C2YN, Painting for the G4o, Installing G40, Build B-Team, Load B-Team in, Open B-Team, Final Build for Psycho Beach Party, Load in Psycho Beach Party, Building a 12'x24' deck in the back yard, Deck Christening BBQ, Opening of Psycho Beach Party, Building and Painting the Imagination Stage Mr. Toad Car and Marcatus at Yards Park...) All in all, I really think that I stopped logging all of my artistic activity because, in some sort of way I was avoiding talking about Hal's Death...making a record of the trivia of my life seemed less important at the time. But now that things are somewhat calmer, I think that may have been the wrong approach. Perhaps our lives are made of such mundane stuff, and the act of sharing it is one of the only ways we have to comfort each other...a way of letting people know, "hey, I'm still here"...So, loyal readers, I'm still here. Makin' stuff, painting things and trying my darnedest to get you to come see those things I made. Hal was a passionate musician (saxophone) so he would probably agree that sharing your passion for the art you make is one of the greatest contributions you can make to this world...So as a tribute to his memory, you can expect to see more of this blog in the future!


Anonymous said...

Condolences to you and Kate. Your post was well written and moved me.

As a long time fan, I'm really glad to see that you will be at G40-- I noticed yer stuff on the wornmagazine site. M'lady and I will be checking that out tomorrow.

Hang in there, my friend.

Christopher www.ellogo.com
(formerly of Dominion Stage and Del Ray Artisans)

Jared said...

Thanks Chris, its good to hear from you. And thank you for the heads up on WornMagazineblog...I didn't know that they were even covering the G40...
