Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mumbo Second Draft

Ive accomplished a lot this week, even though I only have one picture to show for it. In fact, this may not seem like much, but getting the second sketch done for Mumbo has really propelled that project into the "Oh Crap that's really happening" category...

MUMBO Second Sketch
Watercolor and Photoshop 3/8"=1'

So, what happened was that all movement on Mumbo ground to a halt because funding on both ends had failed to materialize. I didn't want to commit to ordering lots of scenery equipment (pipe and drape, paint and whatnot) without a solid commitment that it would be paid back, (not to insinuate that they aren't good for it, but its theater...) So, I basically couldn't start working on it. Additionally, they were hoping to "workshop" the show in Vermont in the three weeks before it opens in Baltimore. So, that means I needed to have the whole shebang complete by Valentines Day...

What approval of this design does is enable me to use the black velour that I have been using for Diamond Dead, Dutch Oven, Spooktacular, etc. Which is great, because I have it in hand, it costs me very little in up front costs (although the stuff is valuable in and of itself, so its not "free") and it enables me to paint in a "black velvet" sort of way, which is what I have been doing thematically for a while short, a win win.

I will start working on that this week, and hopefully have some photos to share in the next, er, two weeks.

I have also been plugging away at Follies. The director basically re-assessed the direction that the set was going in during my first drafts, and has pushed me in the direction of a more "unit" set. Which is actually a relief, because there were a great number of unknowns in the first incarnation. I don't have much to show at this point, because I have been refining the design mostly on paper, and don't want to scan stuff just for the sake of you will just have to wait until next week.

I am looking forward to this weekend, where its that time of year again, time to push debutantes! You can go here to get a small sampling of the craziness that is the indoor DC Mardi Gras. As a bonus, I have roped KT and several other friends of mine into the pushing this time! I will definitely take photos this year!

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