That's right, I went the sexy android route...Ive sold them on the concept, now I have to do the heavy lifting of finding the right pose and style (and probably reintroduce the rocket...but perhaps in a more subtle role) So, as this project progresses, I will be posting updates...I figure you will probably be finding these in your neighborhood bar sometime this Fall...
Progress on DIAMOND DEAD has moved of publication of this post I have completed the two front "skull" draperies in last weeks design:
Acrylic on Black Velour, 8'x12'
These have been really fun to paint, but I confess, that the time frame is really quick (even for me) because we are loading the show in on Saturday! I still have two more to paint (the devil and the skull-Elvis in the upstage part of the design) and I will be rushing because of the fourth of July Holiday...I also made progress on the only piece of carpentry in the show, the 12 foot high coffin entrance:

Wood, 12'x5'
This is shown laying on its side, and partially folded...I made it hinge so that it could be stored easier at the Warehouse, because there are a zillion other groups performing at DC Fringe, and they all need to store scenery too...
The last bit of news may be the biggest. I am going to have a solo show. Well, sorta. Molly Ruppert called and asked if I wanted to have an art show in the Warehouse during Fringe. Of course I said yes (even though I am neck deep in building stuff for fringe and all of my current inventory of work has been depleted by Art-o-Matic...) So I am going to install a "retrospective" of scenery that I have painted for Burlesque events over the years. So, its kinda a solo show, kinda a retrospective, kinda scenic painting samples...What I need to do is come up with a snappy title for the show and send out invites for an "opening" week...
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