campus again, after not setting foot on that campus for about 13 years...I am in such a better place now! Anyway, while in Pontiac, I got to see some of the bad weather the The wedding in East Lansing went fine...although it was weird to be walking around the MSUMidwest has been dishing out lately. The tree in front of my house in Pontiac fell on our neighbors house, missing my truck by only a few feet. The tree in front of
Tom's house fell over and blocked Genessee street entirely. So, it was good to see Pontiac again, mean as ever!
Most of this week I have spent without KT (she flew on to Denver for a theater conference) so I have had the place all to myself. I took the opportunity to rearrange the studio in her absence. I got rid of the large easel (seeing as the tabletop one I have has effectively replaced it) and bought a spiffy new Samsung monitor as the centerpiece of a new computer workstation. I have been struggling with integrating my design methods with my painting methods...this redo of the studio goes a long way towards achieving that goal. (this last paragraph is a bit of a long winded apology for why I don't have any new work to show for the week...)
This week saw
a good review for Debbie, as well as the below photo in the Express...

I also have been asked by
Lil' Dutch to paint a backdrop for the
Evil Come Evil Go Go Show, which opens next Friday...I am working hard to make that happen, but I might be shooting for the August 9th show, if I cant get good designs together by, oh, say,

And Finally,
Art-o-Matic comes to a close this week...there is still time to purchase the
8 foot Venus from Yuri's Night...(Free local delivery!) See you all on Saturday and Sunday night as we put Art-o-Matic 2008 into the history books!
Congrats on your success at Artomatic. Here is my sad little post about the two pieces of yours I would have bought had they not been sold already, and what I liked about each of them:
A lesson to me to go earlier to Artomatic next year!
Have you considered showing art at science fiction conventions? Balticon (May, Baltimore) and Philcon (Nov/Dec, Philadelphia) have big art shows as well as writer/tv/movie-oriented events. A friend of mine ponied up $450 for one piece at Balticon just past, and some (by very big-name sf artists) sell in the thousands. I think some of your pieces would do well there.
Thanks for the kind words. I am glad you liked the "Moai in the next ice age" painting...with everyone so concerned about global warming, I think its good to remember that we WILL have another ice age...and those easter island heads arent going anywhere anytime soon...
I have considered showing at SciFi conventions...however the closest I have come is hosting Yuri's Night. Perhaps I can still make it to Philcon this year and do some recruiting for Yuri's Night 2009!
thanks again,
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