The Spy, Pastel on Cut paper
The Projectionist, Pastel on Cut paper (the original buyer never emailed back...but it resold fast!)
Backyard BBQ Bears, Acrylic and cut paper on board
Mythological Tiki, Cut paper on board (there is confusion about this one...but I'm pretty sure its this one)
and the Big Tiki, Luan cutout
So, in short, there are not many things come and get a gander, before they are all gone!
This past weekend was a really great weekend for the DC art scene in general. On Friday I went to see the ArtDC show at the convention center. It did not blow my socks off, but it was a really good first attempt at a DC art fair. Hopefully they can keep the ball rolling.
Over at the Warehouse they had two shows of abstract works...and the news that the Rupert's have a really high tax bill...There was a "performance" piece (emphasis on "") where some dude cut off his foreskin, and stuck it to the wall...Hey buddy, been there done that, get a therapist not an art audience...
On Saturday I had some pieces up at the Rock and Roll Hotel on H St. for the Big Art Show. It was similar to the Dr Dremo's event that posted about in January, except this time it was over at 2am and they let the bands play while the art was up.
Just down the block, at the Palace of Wonders, our friend Amy was matriculating, onstage. She did her graduate performance for the Burlesque University...Congrats Amy!
The only other piece of news is that I think that my super secret magnet project may just be able to be produced for stay tuned for further details! (working on a secret project is part of why I don't have many pictures to show....)
This will be the last 14 paintings...painting that I will show, seeing as we will be discussing the semesters work in the last class next week. So, Steven's instructions were to simply paint something you were inspired by. I have a hard time being inspired at 8:30 on a Monday morning, so I went with a film noir theme...I realize that the proportions are off, but I was painting in oil, so it is very hard to correct BLACK...It did open up a very good discussion with Steven about whether or not abstract painters should draw more...and how much of their work is inspired by the observed world...

Last Painting, 14 paintings in14 weeks
In Academic portrait painting, I have found myself in the position of being pretty much done with this sitter, and I still have one more session to go...I don't know if I can do anything more than minor tweaks at this point

Academic Portrait Painting, Third Model, third sitting
congrats on the sales jared, and see you tomorrow at AOM!
Thanks Greg, (now, at long last, fellow blogger bogger at his website,, your not as tactless as to discuss sales on your blog...but I see spots in your space!
You didn't say if the Organ Grinder's Local is sold. Is it? If not, I want! :)
I didn't do a complete list, because I think I did reporting on the other sales in previous posts...including the Organ Grinder's Local...sorry!
Perhaps we could start you a chapter of the Local...then you could have all the monkeys you want! (and organ grinding, for that matter)
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