Wheel of Death for Lobsterboy Review
Vectorworks Drawing
I spent most of the day on Friday coming up with a good artist statement for the ReMastered show. I think that I really caught a stride. I get into the most trouble when I try to make ponderous statements about my work. I just kept it to the point…and you, dear reader, will just have to go to the show to read it! Oh, by the way, the show’s opening has been postponed by a week. That’s fine by me, because I can use all the time I can get.
At the yard dogs show on Sunday (BTW, what a good show…I could quibble about some things, because everything can be improved on, but all in all it was rock-solid) I got into a conversation with Lobs (not performing, just an audience member) who I think suddenly “got it”. I have been telling him he needs a backdrop for a while now, but seeing the drops and drapes that the Yard Dogs had, really sold him. So, I have taken measurements at the cinema and drafthouse and am making a backdrop (and helping purchase the P&D), doing a small comic book, welding a wheel and knife throw effect, and perhaps doing a poster for the TOXIC TIKI PARTY! (Sunday June 25th) Needless to say, I am really busy doing the lobsters bidding…
Saw the ever glamorous studio of Scott Brooks (which overlooks Malcolm X park…if you lean out the window…)(I’M JUS KIDDING! Ay Dios Mio!) and am finally a owner of the artists work…(although I am still holding out for him to make prints of the stuff going to Seattle) I wish I lived in a hip part of town that had its own artists studio crawl…see you in Petworth in five years!
Went to a “Role Playing Party” over the weekend…Like whoa man. I went in my Satan outfit; Its good to be the Prince….all of my Detroit playas will understand this next reference: it was like Gotham City CafĂ©…I keep saying that Ian McGill would do well here!
Anyway, I promised you all pictures of what I am working on all the time, so above and below are two JPGs of VectorWorks stuff I have been working on this week…
Elevation for Joseph and the...
Vectorworks Drawing
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