In these post Yuri's Night days I have also started to take a hard look at what other events we are going to be doing this year, and how my calendar will be shaped by those decisions...for example, do we start thinking about a New Years Eve party right now? Tiki Party in the Summer? People have already started asking about the theme for this years Spooktacular!
Needless to say all of this introspection has not produced very much artwork for me to share with you...except for the impending Frederick preview of Perez Hilton Saves the Universe or at Least the Greater Los Angeles Area...The design for Perez has been taking a back seat to Yuri's Night (and Producers...which strikes this Saturday!) lately, but no longer! The deadline rolls forward on this production and I need to meet it head-on! Unfortunately, all I can offer right now is the floorplan...which might seem a bit cryptic (since hardly anything is labeled), but I know that you loyal readers of BTT actually crave suspense...So, I will simply leave you with the floorplan:

1 comment:
Fooooood! Henceforth it shall be the battle-cry!
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