Saturday, March 20, 2010


Check out WIRED.COM's Coverage of COUNTDOWN TO YURI'S NIGHT 2010! Click HERE or the screenshot below to be taken to the article directly

Big shout outs to all of the artists profiled! They even quoted me!

...The show brings together Pop-Surrealism, Post-Pop and Lowbrow stylists who “frequently and freely embrace the imagery of science fiction and mid-century tropes,” according to Countdown lead organizer Jared Davis. “Countdown to Yuri’s Night is an excellent excuse to feature their more sci-fi inspired work.

“Whether it’s Scott Brooks’ nightmare vision of a future where Cupie-doll robots battle for Thorazine, Steve Strawn’s photo journalism from the great robot wars or Sherill Anne Gross’ green pinup girls, they all create a vision of the future of humankind in space. Whether it’s an accurate prediction is beside the point — what matters is that they are having the conversation and leaving room for any one of a million possible futures.”

Like I have said before, this show will sell out, get your tickets now at

Thursday, March 18, 2010


That's right, IT'S ELECTRIC finally opens tonight. After being snowed out, and numerous other snags and barbs we are finally getting our robots out of the lab and on to the dance floor of the Electric Maid! Come on by 7pm-11pm TONIGHT!

This week has seen lots of great progress for Yuri's Night...I finished a floor plan of the Capitol Skyline Hotel (yes, we can fit 200 people into the Hall of States, thank you) and we spend last weekend shooting a promotional YouTube video...Which will hopefully premiere tomorrow night when I, and perennial Miss Universe contestant, Southern Hemisphere, will be interviewed on the Larz from Marz show...

Yet another year goes by without a clear Lucite trophy from the WATCH Awards (that's 7 nominations and no wins for those of you counting)... We'll get 'em next year!

Oh, did I mention that High Fidelity will be extending their the Warehouse?! Its true, check out the screenshot from their website:

So, if you wanted a second chance to see this great, Helen Hayes Recommended show, here it is!

I also spent my day off this week driving to and from Lyndhurst NJ in order to get a great deal on Gridwall. What is gridwall you may ask? You've seen it before, its a steel grid mesh that comes in 2 foot wide and 7 foot tall sections used by craft fair artists everywhere to hold up their art for now, the artists of Yuri's Night can be secure in the idea that their work will not be sitting on the ground during the show!

And of course, last but not least, I finished painting the drop for Illuminopolis:

Illuminopolis backdrop
Acrylic on Black Velour, 12'x10'

Thursday, March 11, 2010


The flyers from Yuri's Night have arrived! Thanks to the stellar effort of Alan Defibaugh, or designer, for getting all that text into one slick package! We do have lots of stuff going on at this party, just check out the back of the flyer:

So, look for these around town....and buy your tickets today!

Countdown to Yuri's Night
T-Minus 30 days(!)

The other big news this week was the announcement of the rescheduled IT'S ELECTRIC show at the Electric Maid in Takoma Park. Since we were snowed out the first time, we have had to reschedule for Saturday March 20th. In anticipation of the re-opening, I have started to create some new black velvet robot paintings...

Black Velvet Robot, Red
Acrylic on Black Velvet, 8"x10"

Also, this week I will start working on the backdrop for Illuminopolis, the light inspired burlesque extravaganza presented by Yuri's Night performers Miss Joule and Malibu. You can get tickets and info here.

Illuminopolis backdrop sketch
Pencil and photoshop

See you next week when I will have more robot paintings for IT'S ELECTRIC, as well as photos of the finished Illuminopolis drop...

Thursday, March 04, 2010

CAPTION CONTEST for Yuri's Night Painting

Yuri's Night Countdown: T-Minus 37 days

I think I need your help with a caption for the painting I am planning for Yuri's Night. Well, to be fair it is not really a "caption contest" per se...What I need is something snappy to be put on a sign in the painting. Here, check out the watercolor sketch first:

The Skeleton and the Visitors Watercolor Sketch
Watercolor on Paper 5"x7"

Okay, so the gist of the painting is that we are on a planet in the future, and that the robot in the smokey bear hat is showing some younger robots an ancient archaeological site with the skeletonized remains of an American astronaut, while the wreckage of his rocket looms in the background. So, the help I need from you is: what should go on the sign in the lower right? I have toyed with these answers, perhaps they will inspire you:

  • Ancient Archaeological Site
  • National Park, Mars
  • 00101001010001
  • Extinct Meat Based Life Form

I don't really have a prize to offer, its more of a cry for help...I look forward to your answers in the comments...

The other thing that has taken up most of this week has been the painting (and completion!) of the "Springtime for Hitler" drop. Unfortunately, I cannot show you the whole thing because the producers wont let me...but here is a small element to whet your whistle:

This weekend is the G40 Summit in Crystal should really try to make it out to what can only be called a "mini artomatic" (I'll have four pieces hanging on the 8th floor)....the opening is this Saturday...Check out this Link for more info

I'll see you next week, where we will celebrate the "less than a month" Countdown to Yuri's Night...