Landless Theater Company opens their second show in the SEASON OF THE DAMNED, High Fidelity. If you are a frequent reader of BTT, you know that we like to present scenery appreciation nights for landless shows during the second week of the run...so, without further adieu, I would like to announce that:
Scenery Appreciation Night for High Fidelity will be on Saturday February 27th! (Type "Jared" in the vendini discount code box for your SAN discount!)
And, here is just a tease of the set design, for those of you who cant wait until next Saturday!

I guess its about time to institute the Countdown to Yuri's Night Clock again:
T-Minus 51 days until YURI'S NIGHT!
Tickets are now officially on sale at WWW.OUTOFTHISWORLDPARTY.COM
The other development this week was that I solidified the design for Producers "Little Old Lady Land" Drop:
In fact we have started painting it already...we are painting over the "jukebox" from Bye Bye Birdie, which is causing some slight complications. The jukebox was a purple arch that went around the cut opening of the drop. Purple is a notorious color for bleeding through whatever you paint over it (and it is doing exactly that right now) so, my workaround is to make a "cheque rainbow"...The concept, for those of you who are not familiar with the show, is that Max Bialystock is sleeping with all of the little old ladies in NYC in order to get them to become investors in his show. So, naturally, the backdrop for the scene is of springtime in central park, except everything, much like the fabled tootsie roll disorder, looks like money!
Question of the week: should I post progress shots of the backdrops for the "Springtime for Hitler" scene, despite having large swastikas on them?
Yuri's Night! I for one can't wait.
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