Hopefully we can talk the Palace of Wonders into doing another Dr. Sketchy's in February...we were even reviewed...
Just after posting the previous post I went to see the Jerry Springer Opera at Studio. It was some of the best theater I have seen Studio do. In fact, the guy who plays the "warm up guy" role (and another role, but I wouldn't want to spoil it for you) is top of the list for my nominations for a Helen Hayes Award...(if I could vote)
On a personal note, my Mother was in town for a recertification class (something epidemiologists need to do from time to time, I guess) and we got a chance to check out the bonsai gardens at the National Arboretum...

I can also report that progress has been made on Forum. Well, carpentry at least...
And that the Planet Arlington World Playground backdrops are also in full swing (I should have final shots next week)

"World" is on its side because the shop ceiling is 11' tall, and the panel is 12' tall...
And Lastly, I have made a few more velvet paintings on the road to the Arts on Belmont art fair...

Acrylic on Black Velvet, 8"x10"

Acrylic on Black Velvet, 8"x10"
I'm having a really good time exploring black velvet as a painting surface. (let me just say again that it is very hard to get an idea of what these paintings look like "in the flesh" from these photos...my mother, a woman not given to hyperbole, described them as "lush") It really seems to combine all of the things I love about painting, and it has held my interest very well in the past week or so. Four paintings into this project and I am learning all sorts of neat tricks and getting a good feel for where I will want to go...I had a painting teacher, the late, great Al Loving who once said to me that "...the great thing about Art is that it asks you a question, once you try to answer that question it just leads you to other questions..." That is how I am feeling about these paintings. I am looking forward to going a bit larger, and perhaps less quickly once the art fairs are over...
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