So I am really sorry about not getting more posts in before Hukilau, but it really was a rough time. I am glad to report that Kate's foot is on the mend, our bathroom is done, I sold lots at Hukilau, and I am ready and refreshed for Art in Heat!
So I'll just jump into the slide show of the trip:

This is Mark and Amy's Airstream, which graciously hauled my stuff down to hukilau...its a pretty sweet ride, pictured here at "south of the border" (see the sombrero observation deck in the background?)

This is a photo of the booth. Its more impressive in the flesh, but we didn't get any complaints. I had three category of things for sale, Paintings, Screenprints, and MR TIKIHEADs. (I guess I can let the cat out of the bag now about MR. TIKIHEAD...its a magnet set that is like Mr. Potatohead, because you can move the features around and create your own tikis. They made their debut at Hukilau, but I hope to have them for sale soon at

If you want one now, you can always contact me directly @ (they'll only set you back $10...What a bargain!)
Our booth was set up directly across from the esteemed witchdoctor Dr. CARDOO. He helped cure KT's foot (he said something about her foot being "good stock for soup", whatever that means...He's available for parties, oddly enough

We were also set up next to a couple who go throughout Polynesia and get the "real deal" tikis...I had to have this one:

I don't know what to call him, but he will find a place of honor in our house! (I still need to call them to ask about the provenance, but I believe he is from New Guinea...)
There were so many great things that happened at Hukilau, I can't really expound on them all here, so I will just sum it up by saying that we will be making the trek next year!
So now that Hukilau is behind me, its time to start working on Art in Heat! Here's just a taste of the upcoming scenery for the Lobsterboy show on opening night!

I'll have progress reports this time next week, to let you know all about
Art in Heat,
Palace of Wonders, Joseph, and my debut at Dr. Sketchy's as
"the Red King"...
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