The crisis of conscience that I have had about whether what I want to say is to caustic for the public has made it difficult to get motivated to write. But lets face it, is anyone really reading this anyway?
I have been keeping busy with the C'huppa for the wedding (above), which still has some loose ends (how will it be electrified? Supports? Etc)
I have also bought 5 30"X40" canvases for the "haunted mansion" theme. The idea is to get family photos and graft them onto scary portraits. I am a bit daunted by the challenge, but I will welcome the opportunity to do some portrait painting on a large scale...The real trick will be to get acceptable photos of the family...I hope they can all take a joke.
Went to the Scott Brooks opening, Jumping through hoops, at gallery Neptune. This is a really good thing for Scott and the work looked fantastic. When making drawings the artist is at the most raw. Hence, most drawing has the look of experimentation, or unresolvedness, this manifested itself very rarely in Scotts work, but when it did, you could see that he was trying hard to cover it up. Not to sweep it under the rug, but to downplay it in such a way as to not make it a focal point of the work. These were very well resovled drawings, clearly not purposed for preparation for a painting, they were the works in themselves. The sepia/grisaille look of these works makes them more substantial (more presence, more levity) than some of the painted work he has done.
Much more could be said about his work, but I have to do some work of my own..Bye bye