This week was perhaps the last time I will have the privilege to dance and drink at Blobs park. If you don't know what I am talking about, you have probably missed it...I will forever shed a tiny tear for Blobs Park, whenever I hear an Oom-Pa band...
Whilst still cleaning up from the Halloween party (its still not 100% finished) I have stumbled into three new projects. First I got a call from Landless Theater asking if I wanted to design the set for "A Very Merry Unauthorized Scientology Pageant"...of course I said yes. I have a production meeting on Sunday...sketches forthcoming.
The Second project was Hexagon. Malcolm had asked me to help out, and I explained that I was taking a year off. However, he somehow roped me into being the "Set Design Consultant"...which means that I designed a set for them, and they can take it or leave it.

Of course, no good deed goes unpunished, the builders and some of the other production staff have been poking holes in the seems they want such silly things as "dimensions"...
And lastly Yuri's Night made a quantum leap forward yesterday, with the first meeting of the minds about the shape and scope of the party this year at the Goddard Space Fight Visitors Center...Much more about this next time!
you need to dish on what's dropping at GSFC!
Dude, I could, but I would have to kill ya...but sincerely, this is apparently a big year for launches...and it sounds like the Hubble people are going to be pretty busy come April 12!
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