I have been really busy these last few weeks (months really) and I know you have noticed a significant decline in the quality of the reportage here at BTT. I would like to apologize. I promise to have more time to whine about my personal artistic crises in the coming weeks, especially since Art in Heat has moved into the "exhibition only" phase. Which is to say, if you missed any of the events I will be showing pictures of, you can still see the show, that is, the artwork, between now and the 30th (did I mention that Art in Heat got a mention on the Kojo Namdi show today?)
So I will try to be roughly chronological with the pictures of the show, starting with the opening:
Picture of the display window in front of the warehouse on 7th st NW...can you make out the severed panda head on a fork?
Random crowd shot at the start of the opening. (DJ ADAM and DJ AMOL are apparently kicking out the mellow tunes at this point.) We had a good crowd of people throughout the night. In fact we broke some sort of record with the warehouse for bar sales! To be sure, this wasn't your typical DC Gallery going crowd!
Yours truly, stopping briefly to lend a reassuring smile...
Wanna buy anything? Just ask Kate!
Scott (big chief curator) Brooks poses with some of the shows artists, Emily and Candy...
So then one week later, we did it all again (sorta) with the Dr. Sketchy's show!
Elvis, Lil' Dutch, Bambi Galore and Buster Hymen all pose at the end of the night while some of DC's best artistic talent attempts to capture the moment on paper...
It was a religious experience, I tell ya...These are just some of the photos that helped capture the last two weeks of Art in heat craziness...if you have any of your own that you would like to share, please drop me a line.
I hesitate to mention it here, because of a certain conflict of interests I feel about this, however, if you are a regular reader of BTT you will know that I have been trying to get my "Valance" concept off the ground at the Palace of Wonders. Well, as it turns out, they were having their one year anniversary on the same day as the Art in Heat opening...and they asked me to do an anniversary valance for it. Here's a photo of the result in the shop:

And here's one of it installed at the POW

I took it down today, with the intention of repainting the rabbit, substituting the bars cat "Al" in his place. If I understand correctly, you might be able to get a T-Shirt with this image on it in the very near future. I'll keep you posted.
Hopefully by this time next week, I will have some good updates about, Wallmountables at the DCAC, Joseph... and Trixie's Super Secret Show for Fringe!
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